Over 30 years' experience delivering beautiful, personalised ceremonies

07772 096559

Civil funeral ceremonies which perfectly reflect your loved one's nature, life and personality
Funeral practices in the UK have undergone noticeable changes in the last few years; there has been a clear shift away from the impersonal, standardised and religiously-led funeral services of the past.
In fact, this trend started decades ago and has been gathering pace ever since. I have been helping to deliver non-religious funeral ceremonies, as a professional funeral celebrant, for over 30 years, which coupled with being a professional speech writer, has meant being honoured to help hundreds of families give their loved ones, the personal, unique send off, that they deserve.
Modern funerals allow the grieving family a wider range of options that were unheard of years ago. These modern funerals are often referred to by a number of different terms; non-religious funerals, secular funerals, unaffiliated funerals etc. I am professionally trained to lead all of these types of funeral ceremony and Celebrations of Life.
Most aspects of today’s funeral ceremony come down to personal choice; families may well take an active role in choosing the music and readings and may wish to speak about the person who has passed. The primary task of the professional funeral celebrant nowadays is to assist families in creating a funeral that fully reflects the person’s nature, life and personality.

A Civil Funeral can provide an opportunity to publicly express the different feelings and emotions that well up when a loved one dies; it may well recognise the grief of the family’s loss, maybe his or her understanding of the meaning of life and death but most importantly, provides an opportunity to tell the loved one’s story, provide anecdotes and show the love that still remains.

D.S. Hemel Hempstead
If ever anyone was born to be a Funeral Celebrant it is you, with your warmth, sensitivity, empathy and
This is the 3rd time we have had to call upon your services and each time you delivered a service which had the right balance needed at this time.
B.C. Watford
The service was great and was well delivered, the script was perfectly read.
I know we have been demanding at times, forgive us, it’s how we seem to react to grief.
But you were always calm, never phased and willing to bend to give us what we want.
M.J. Luton
Dear Garry,
Thank you so much for your help and guidance.
The service was perfect and delivered just as we had hoped, with much feeling, compassion and sensitivity.
You made a tough day so much more calm for us.
How do you hide those wings under your jacket?